難 忘 的 點 滴
Memorable moments
#1 第一天開車出發
#2 南端夕陽
We were at the Taiwan Southernmost Point, located in Kenting National Park, Hengchung Township, Pingtung Country. The Southernmost Point was surrounded by the sea, we could enjoy the view of three side, the east, south and west. Under the platform we were sitting, it was a conservation area with lots of coral reef. There was a status, which looks like a shoe, the coach said that the meaning of this shoe means that there was no way out, step out here was already the sea. We picked the evening time to visit the Southernmost Point because we could enjoy the view of sunset here. Sunset is not the end, it is representing there will be a new start tomorrow. It is just like our life, we will have new start in every new stage and we should fight for our best in every stage!
Rubbish collection at a beach in Jialeshuei. ©2016 Julian Liew. All rights reserved.
Rubbish collection at a beach in Jialeshuei. ©2016 Julian Liew. All rights reserved.
Rubbish collection at a beach in Jialeshuei. ©2016 Julian Liew. All rights reserved.
Rubbish collection at a beach in Jialeshuei. ©2016 Julian Liew. All rights reserved.
Rubbish collection at a beach in Jialeshuei. ©2016 Julian Liew. All rights reserved.
#3 Charity Perseverance
It was the day for us to do volunteer work in Taiwan and we did cleaning at the beach. We were divided into three groups and started to fill up our rubbish bag. Some of us went onto the mud to do cleaning with bare feet and they all got muddy feet! Others stayed on the grass and did their job there. After picking up rubbish, we started to classify them. Taiwanese will classify the rubbish before they put into recycling bin, similar to Hong Kong. After classification, we put rubbish bags well next to the rubbish bin.
Doing volunteer work makes us feel contributing to the society, and although some of us got muddy feet and dirty hands, it is worthy! It is important to know about giving back, and volunteer work is one of the method!
#4 晚上的落斜
#5 洗滌雙輪
#6 結交朋友
#7 觀夕日落
It was a place located almost the western of the Taiwan. Honestly, it was really a special moment for me since I had never had a full view of sunset before. For me, it might not be the first time for me of enjoying a sunset, but definitely the most spectacular and unforgettable one in my live. The sunset we could enjoy there was exactly processing in front of our eyebrows clearly and completely. We arrived that just about the beginning of sunset, so we all got off the taxi and ran for taking pictures without any hesitation. Everybody was cured by the beautiful sunset and no one was going to do anything but taking snap. It is believed that this special moment would last in our mind for at least a long time to every one of us. We all appreciated that we could spend this special moment with others.
#8 淡水夕陽
This day, our Taipei’s part of cycling tour was started at Tamsui and ended at Bali. In Bali, we cycled along the Tamsui River and went to the Zuoan Park for sunset. This sunset meant a lot to all of us. Sunset, this word gave us a meaning of ending or destination to a day or a story. It seemed like saying goodbye to our cycling challenges of this Tour de Taiwan 2016. So it was really meaningful to us of having sunset as our ending at that moment. We all knew that it was only the end of our cycling challenge but not anything else. There was still a long way path to go through and we all tried our very best to overcome the difficulties and persevere the toughest time during the tour. Just like what we learnt from the poem (Don’t Quit), Stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit.
#9 富貴角日出
來到行程的第十一天,縱使身驅多麼的疲累,我們也堅持清晨四時起床,往台灣最北點 - 富貴角燈塔出發。為的,是希望能在最近距離一睹台灣日出的風采。
#10 Taipei City Biking