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 我  們  所  學  到  的


Phoebe Chu (My e-portfolio)

During the training sessions, I thought I could finish the Tour de Taiwan rather comfortably.  But I was wrong, I underestimated how difficult it is to complete 500 km consecutively over 5 days.  Physically and mentally fatigued, there were occasions when I wanted to quit; but I kept reminding myself not to give up.


During the journey, there were steep climbs and quick descents , headwinds and tailwinds.  The life lesson I have learned is that when going uphill or in headwinds (facing difficulties), there could be great effort made without much progress (effort without or with little return).  But preserver we should, because there will come a turning point when we can sail downhill or enjoy tailwinds (easy time).  I have now gone through this process and what an experiential learning it has been!


The mentality of a tough cyclist is what I have adopted.

Raymond Liu (My e-portfolio)


當時天以漸黑,我面對無動於衷的教練頓時交低了一句[ 我去追上前面的三位同學],然後騎上單車,以我最快速追上他們。當其時有很多人叫著我的名字, 我心裏一偶,細想 教練所指的方向會不會才是正確的方向。 所以我只叫了第三位的同學回來,回來時才得知他們其實誤會了我,以為我正在前往錯誤的方向。幸而,那兩個前往錯誤方向同學最後都被尋回, 結束了這一場的小鬧劇。
不過, 這件事情亦令我有所反思。當你正在做一件對的事情, 身邊的人不斷喊叫你, 告訴你這並不是正確的做法。 你會堅持自己, 還是聽從他們?在當時的情況下我考慮了很多, 最後對動搖自己的信心,令事情以錯誤的方向延續下去。 這令我反思,究竟我對自己的自信心是否不足,受旁人一兩句便阻搖了自己的決定。為什麽自己不能堅持原有的想法?


Kenny Tsang (My e-portfolio)




Yale Wong (My e-portfolio)





Eugene Woo (My e-portfolio)

I have never thought I can have a chance to cycle around Taiwan. This 400 km was a challenge to my physical strength, muscle as well as endurance. In addition, it gave a chance letting my mind to focus on one thing, which was cycling. This was kind of meditation that I did not have to think. Importantly, this activity was more than just cycling.  At the beginning, we were doing crowdfunding. In this stage, we needed to balance what we ultimately aimed for and our actual ability, which is a useful skill in life since this kind of trade off is common. Also, through dealing with a project that we have never encountered, we got teamed and realized the importance of team effort. The sense of team effort gave ideas on our pre-tour training, especially for those cycling signals and gestures. Apart from cycling, we had also exchange activities and cultural visit in the trip. We learnt different cultures through both talking with local students and observation. And I believe, the friends we made in Taiwan are crucial to our international network for future career. This was a trip that improved our physical and mental abilities.

Catherine Choi (My e-portfolio)






Kim Ho (My e-portfolio)

Mentality, spiritually and physical, I reckon I have benefited greatly.  Perseverance, persistence, endurance and believing in myself are the few aspects I have improved upon.  Also I am fortunate to work with my peers, senior and teacher who are keen to teach;  I have learned a lot from them.  I will join this activity again if given a chance.

Christy Wong (My e-portfolio)

Good coordination is essential for effective teamwork and this is the most vital learning area I have to work on in this adventure.


When I took on the role as a Team Leader I did not know the bravery and learning curve that are needed to run a crowdfunding campaign and to organize the challenging sport in a foreign land; it is just like having to draw a gorgeous painting without learning how to hold a paint brush.

Boot Camp Fly is the ultimate and graduating project under the CPA Initiatives, many of my peers were shock that I took the lead.   There are many incidents of poor organizing that gave me reasons to give up.  As my coach Julian once said during the cycling journey “rest if you must, but don't you quit!”,  so was my reply of “YES!”  to my inner doubts like “am I still in command of the situation?”.  How could I miss this golden opportunity? There is no way I am going to give up any chance to grow up, to learn something new, to be a better Christy!


The progress has been tough, but it is worth every single drop of blood and sweat.  Of course, I must acknowledge the great effort of fellow team members, who have been helpful and cheerful while carrying much of my weight.  Thank you team !

Macy Leung (My e-portfolio)

I am glad that i joined this Tour de Taiwan 2016, what i have learnt is more than cycling. Cycling is just like our life, we need to give energy in order to continue riding. Life is the same, we need to give effort in order to live a beautiful life. 


Life is about consistency, we need to keep our distance while cycling, but when there is uphill or downhill, we need to change our gear in order to keep the same distance. It is just like we keep doing our daily thing, but when there are ups and downs, we need to change our attitudes to overcome these downs. 
Also, i feel united when we cycled as a team. From the first training until the last cycling day in Taiwan, we improved a lot and i hope all of us can challenge our limits like what we did in this tour!

I am glad that I have joined this Tour de Taiwan 2016, because what I have learnt is more than cycling. Living our life is like cycling, we need to make effort (pedal) in order to have a beautiful life (gain the distance). And when there are difficulties or easy times (riding uphill or downhill), we need to change our expectations (like changing to high or lowgears) in order to keep the same pace of progress (keeping same speed).  When we have ups and downs, we need to change our attitudes to over pessimistic or over confidence. 

Also, I enjoyed the unity of my team !

Keith Wong (My e-portfolio)





Louis Wong (My e-portfolio)


© 2016 Julian Liew and 16 members of this tour. All Rights Reserved.

Information and photos in this website are proprietary, and are not to be used for commercial or any money making purposes. Individuals who wish to use any of these for non-commercial purposes, please acknowledge source of this website.


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