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First Training Session! 第一次訓練!


最有趣的部分是,當我們在大埔附近的7 -Eleven便利店休息後,但當回程到大水坑時,天氣突然驟變,下起大雨。濕透了,我們都十分享受,是一個有趣的經驗,特別的開始!

We had our first training! A modest 20KM distance along Hong Kong wonderful Tolo Harbour. The session was meant to establish on-the-road coordination and team formation. Went well in general, but we had some difficulties in adjusting to each other's level of cycling skills, amidst learning the various hand gestures and signs that give instructions and safety directions.

The varying cycling skills became evident as the training went on, where a few teammates needs to unlearn "backyard" tri-cycle skills to a higher command of the vehicle. The process of learning also help us to gel as a team.

The fun part at Tai Po came when we took a rest and grabbed some quick bites at a nearby 7-Eleven store. The journey back to Tai Shui Hang, our starting point, took less time as we got familiar with the course. This is not withstanding a sudden change in the weather, it started to rain like cats and dogs. Soaked, but we all enjoyed it, what a special start!

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