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National University of Kaohsiung

早上七點半我們聚集在香港機場整裝 待發,在十時正的時候搭過華航的飛 機。經過一個多小時後到達了台灣高 雄機場。高雄大學的學生代表十分熱 情地接待我們, 隨後更帶領我們在高 大四處 遊覽,成為我們的指路明燈。

We gathered our team at HK airport at 7am and took the plane 3 hours later. We arrived Taiwan airport about 11:30 am then took the coach as schedule.


離開機場後,乘坐預備好的旅遊 巴, 一小時候我們便到達了國立高 雄大學。這是一間僅有十三年歷史 的國立大學。 他們的校園十分大, 有點兒像香港的郊野公園,而在校 園裏瀰漫著寧靜的氣氛。 相比起身 處於石屎森林中的香港城市大學, 這裡可謂是世外桃源。 到達後,我 們入住高大藝術學院的宿舍並放下 行李後, 立馬到法律學院與一眾法 律學系的大學生們進行學術交流。

One hour later we visited Kaohsiung National University which has been established for 13 years. The area of the university was huge with some similarity to HK Country Park. I found it peace to travel around the university. Unlike the CityU, this National University was more natural. We then checked in the dormitory of Art College to settle our luggage.


在我們到達之前,法律學院的師生們早已準備好美味的便當以作迎接。 我們一 路吃著便當一路聽著徐律師和教授們對高大的介紹和台南的特色, 過程中穫益 不少! 完成午餐後,我們接著到高大的商學院與一眾主科為金融系的大學生繼 續交流。 分別地與兩個不同科目的大學生交流讓我們感受到,就讀不同科目在 性格上的相異。就讀法律系的學生在談天的時候比較喜歡談論道理,而就讀金 融系的學生就比較喜歡談論與錢有關的話題商學院院長和我們的同學分別準備 了介紹各自大學的簡報, 好讓兩地的學生也對彼此的大學有所認識。

We communicated with the student who are studying law in major. Before we arrived, law school students and teachers already prepared delicious lunchbox. We ate lunch along with listening to Xu lawyer and professors from Kaohsiung University and features of Kaohsiung. We learnt a lot after the lunch! Afterwards, we moved on to the business schools and continued the exchange with students who are studying finance in major. As we respectively communicated with two different subjects, we realized that studying different subjects may differ in character. The law students preferred to talk about the truth, and the students of finance is more likely to talk about money. The dean of business school and our students were prepared to introduce our own university, so the students from each University have a better understanding of each other.


此外,我們還參觀了他們的圖書館。 圖書館內的設施與城大更近似, 但面 積上相對大很多。 參觀過後, 我們為 了準備好明天的單車之旅而購買適合 的裝備。但很可惜地由於時間的管理 上的不足,我們未能到六合夜市進食 晚餐。 從而改到家樂福進膳, 並且也 準備好明日踩單車前的早餐。

In addition, we also visited their library, the facilities was similar to CityU, but the area was relatively much larger. After the visit, we have to prepare for cycling trip tomorrow and purchase the appropriate equipment. Unfortunately, due to the bad time management, we were unable to eat dinner in Liuohe Tourist Night Market. Therefore we changed our schedule by having dinner in Carrefour, also prepared for breakfast before riding the bicycle tomorrow.

Day 1

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