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Fung Wan Toon, Toni








能完成是次 210KM 單車之旅對 於我來說,是一個奇蹟。 一開始報名參加,純粹想為畢 業前留下一份回憶。之後大家 知道我想去時,見我身體瘦 弱,紛紛有好多不同聲音叫我 三思,怕我會應付不到如斯長 途的刻苦鍛煉。因此,我才意 識到這不是一個簡單的旅行。但其他人愈是反對,我愈是想證明給其他人看我 是能做得到的。最後這些反對聲音反而成了激勵我的動力,令我既任性又衝動 地決定要試一試。 回想起第一次 Training,我的體能仍然很差,騎單車的速度很慢,經常落後,搞 到怨聲載道。不僅如此,我的技術也欠佳。一日內,我連人帶車跌倒了三次, 全身都是傷。到了晚上,腳酸到不能動,屁股痛到不能坐。我永遠都會記得, 跌倒時腳軟到站不起來,連向扶手借力也没有用,好像殘廢了一樣,那種恐怖 感是前所未有的。迫於無奈,我第二日去不到 Training,誰知別人認為我是未盡 力。 練習完一次之後,我開始質疑自己的身體是否能負荷,同時腦海出現了想放棄 的念頭,一來不想再受傷,二來不想拖慢別人的進度,三來不想被人覺得是礙 事。即使我很想完成這一項挑戰,但我連一個小小的斜坡都爬不上,實在是心 有餘而力不足,內心其實挺掙扎的。最後我為自己作了一個決定,就是如果我 可以在 Training 的時候能爬上所有斜坡而不會落後太多的話,我便去台灣,否 則,便留在香港。 有了明確的方向後,內心踏實了,便朝住目標進發,每一次 training 我都很盡 力,除了要忙辦理證件外,全部 Training 都有去。縱使全部人都沒有去 Training,我都有叫朋友陪我去練習,到了晚上便做一點可以鍛煉大腿耐力的運 動。結果,鍛煉的成效頗為顯著,身體也逐漸適應。最後,毅然去了台灣騎單 車。 31 這個台灣之旅令我愛上了這一個地 方,因為那裡的人十分和藹可親, 熱情滿滿,當我們在騎單車的時 候,有不少途人大叫「加油」,連 在對面相隔兩條大馬路的士多老闆 娘也為我們打氣,甚至有在旁經過 的私家車,裡面的人更特地打開窗 戶,就是為了跟我們說一聲「加 油」。有一天晚上,我們到了饒河 夜市,去了喝排骨藥材湯,可是我 們幾個女生只嘗一碗,老闆不但没有介意,反而去了鄰家的店舖,找來了有趣 的餅乾送給我們,實在很有人情味。 其實,在台灣騎單車的過程挺擔驚受怕的,因為私家車、貨車、泥頭車不斷在 旁邊以高速經過,稍有不慎,可能真的會被撞上。特別是在過馬路時,會有車 在車隊中穿過。有時就算緊貼前面單車,也會有其他車輛想在中間穿插,我會 掙扎到底是否應該先讓車行,但如果我減速或停下來,後面的單車會把我撞 上,然後大家都會受傷。 32 最後印象深刻的是,在第二天騎單車,烈 日當空,地面 39 度,氣温 33 度左右,每 一刻都汗流浹背。台灣的斜坡不但只陡, 更是比平日在香港訓練的斜坡長 4 倍,看 見也會不禁倒抽一口氣,很怕自己不夠力 攀上去。人很熱,屁股很痛,腿很酸。我 不斷跟自己說: 一定要忍住,忍過了,便 成功了。結果一騎便騎了 110km,快到墾 丁最南點時,兩邊是森林,周圍是蟬鳴, 好像走進了一個神秘的國度。在那兒下了 一個比 45 度還陡的斜坡,那股離心力彷 彿要令人向前翻倒,如果頭腦著地,好像 會粉身碎骨似的。穿過一片森林後,便是 一望無際的大海。到了目的地後,那種成 功感實在難以言喻。對於那些經常運動的人來說,這一切都是雞毛蒜皮﹐但對 我這個一年只做 2,3 次運動、動輒便累的人來說,能完成整個旅途 210KM,真 的是一個奇蹟。 回望過去,真没想到原來我真的可以克服如此困難的挑戰。這個旅途象徵住我 體能上、意志上的一大突破。多謝 Organizers 為我們準備了不少,更感激 Julian 背負住不少負擔,擔心著我們的人身安全,仍毅然組織一個給我們鍛練的機 會。我永遠都會記住意志力對人的成功與失敗的影響有多深遠。

Wong King Yan, Jovita












從前做運動做 project,都會好容易投降,今次旅程的目標就是讓 我們學會堅毅不屈地和戰友們向 前進,一個人說放棄,整隊人的 士氣便會低沉。 從旅程前的練習可見,第一次練 習的我對比最後一次練習的我的確有所不同。過程真的很痛苦,很多安全知識 或技巧要重新學習,當初認為要從壞習慣中改善是再花上幾番的時間,因為我 並不熟練踏單車,原來我只要不斷從失敗中練習,每樣壞習慣都可以輕易改 善;在這些練習中,我學會不害羞的向他人提問,尤其今次的活動會在道路上 騎車,一時疏忽亦會導致對生命的危險,因此對於不明白的事,我願意主動發 問去學習和改善。 到達了台灣的第二天,我開始抵擋不到悶熱的天氣,加上踏單車燒毀能力的速 度很快,有時候想喊停下來休息;不過我在努力時,其他人同樣在努力,就是 毅力鼓起了我的鬥志,希望跟他們一起完成這長跑,除了大家的鼓勵,老師提 供的體力補充飲品十分有幫助,因為我在旅程完結後做運動,單單跑了三十分 鐘步,雙腳已經發軟,幸好有老師在此方面的細心,我們才能迎難而上。 可是我總覺得自己很依賴別人的安排,當很多事要停下 來解決,我總是想不到有甚麼我能幫得到的,就像知識 不足的在呆站,我認為很多事除了他人為自己安排之 外,自己也應有一套後備,關於自己認為可行的做法, 適當時提出,或許會對整件事有幫助或者可以提醒其他 人,這樣才能更有效率地解決問題。對於不熟悉的地 方、規矩等等,在旅程前必須有更多的相關知識,因為 騎單車途中都引起不少的道路問題,為當地人帶來麻煩 之外,亦為同團的人帶來阻礙。 34 另一方面,我認為大家都在團隊中發揮不錯的表現,可是每每遇到要做文書的 事宜時,很多人都卻步,對我而言,我會害怕自己的能力不能做好這件事,有 些卻免得負擔責任而消聲匿跡,最後卻要團長或某幾位繼續承擔,即使事前有 分工,但 free-rider 的情況卻不會因此不出現。我希望每個人都能有一顆負擔的 心,去一起製造我們 22 個人的結晶。 總而言之,我們 22 個人可以踏過大約 210km 的車程,相信將來的日子也不會輕 易說放棄,因為每次回想那些經歷,都會覺得身邊的事也不會太難去拼過。

Lee Hok Lam, Gloria











This is the very first experience for me to join a cycling tour outside Hong Kong, recalling the whole process of the tour, starting from the practices in Hong Kong all the way to Taiwan, it was tough and challenging yet remarkable. As if the name of this tour, I strongly believe that we all have "goal through perseverance" as a well-established team. At the beginning period, we barely cycle as a whole but just work out independently, it turned out some of us were left behind frequently which is very risky to cause an accident. Since then, we realized the importance of team work thus we have arranged and organized a fixed sequence of position such that we could take care of each other. Besides having some caring teammates to motivate each of us, the breathtaking view of Kenting also helped me to forget about the tiredness on the road. I can clearly see that the sky and the sea were linked together tightly between a blue horizontal line and the lights which looked like diamonds were reflected from the sea when the sun shines above it.It was a precious opportunity for us to try to arrange a tour by ourselves, as a large part of the tour was organized by students along with the support from our programme leader, I can say that it was not as easy as I thought! This tour is a perfect ending of my school life in CCCU, it was a very nice platform for me to interact and enjoy the time with my lifelong teacher and friends.

Hau Yu Hin, Louis










First of all, I appreciate the tour of Taiwan. Not only the exchange with National University of Kaohsiung but also cycling from Kaohsiung to Kenting. It is a long journey so it really needs a lot of training in order to manage the heat and distance in Taiwan. Our planning training schedule is 8 times. But due to the weather and other circumstances we miss some of the days. Therefore, it really needs to reschedule the training days so everyone can do well in Taiwan. During training days, Julian seldom came to training cycling. I was afraid he can’t handle the heat or long distance in actual battle. But finally, he and our team well handle those situations and most importantly no one gets hurts or serious injury. For me, I really enjoy the tour as we all know each other during the training so in Taiwan everyone can play together without concern. We are as a team and do well in the third day of cycling as Julian is not taking apart. We all know we did many things that are not satisfied or out of expectation like time management, location research, etc. This is the way to learn and make sure in the future we will not make the same mistake again. After all, thank you Julian, OCs and members. We did something that most people unable to do. We had more experience than them. In the future, we will meet again and share those years we had gone though. Thanks.

Tsang HingPui, Jimmy












參加了 6 日 5 夜的台灣單車游 學團, 與黑龍江團的得著和感 受稍有不同。我們身在異地, 對周圍環境並不熟識,對身邊 的事物和團友應該保持警覺和 守望相助的態度,在黑龍江最 深刻的是冰冷的天氣,而在台 灣,我們需要耐熱,挑戰踏一 百八十多公里單車(從高雄去 墾丁)的力氣。當初來台灣前,我們對漫長的踏單車里數感到恐慌,當我完成 這個目標後,突然發現原來 186 公里不是那麼困難,我們可以不知不覺地完成 了一個壯舉,明天又如常參觀水族館,疲意完全不會影響我們遊樂的氣氛。 在台灣公路上踏單車,危機重重,我們在炎熱的太陽下練出一股堅強的意志和 觀察四周,沒有人想拖後大家的進度,我們變得更重視一個團體而不是個人, 我們變得更團結。 作為台灣團的會計師,我面對一些以前沒遇過的挑戰,我需要了解每天的行 程,知道哪些地方需要花費以及進行預算。我被培養每天晚上都會記錄每天的 花費和活動以及對數字的敏感度。此外,我對外幣兑换,匯率和如何有效利用 預算增添更多的認識。說實話我在這個旅行不是一個稱職的會計,但感覺不 壞,因為我得到的寶貴經驗並不是每個人都能夠體會到的。

Wong Ho King Tsan, Brian










Cycling in Hong Kong and Taiwan provided me a chance to train my perseverance and endurance. Before going to Taiwan, we had around 8 cycling trainings in Hong Kong. The distance of each training is about 30-40 km. It was very tough at first as I was not a sporty boy at all. Cycling for that long distance really made me tired. After training, my cycling skills improved a lot and team spirit started to be formed between us. In Taiwan, we were not familiar with the environment and traffic conditions there. It’s really scary to cycle near different size of vehicles in a narrow road, the drivers were driving at very high speed. Staying in a place that I am not familiar with greatly enhanced my sense of dangerous. I always look around to ensure the whole team was safe but also not forgot sightseeing. 48 Taiwanese are super friendly and have strong sense of environmental protection. They told us how to recycle the bottle and paper accordingly when we were frustrated on putting the rubbish into the bins. We can easily get discount if we try to convince them during shopping. Taiwan is a good place. I like South Taiwan more. Kaohsiung and Kenting are closer to rural, with more trees and plants surrounding. This made me really connected to the Earth. Without tall buildings and lights blocking the sky, we can easily see many stars on the sky. 210 km was not easy at all. I think I can never have a trip like this in the future because it is difficult to have a team like us and a trip that we could plan ourselves, live ourselves. Thanks to the whole team, especially the teacher who never give up on us and gave us the greatest support. We learnt lots of things that books cannot provide, experienced a special journey together and built a special relationship with each other. Hopefully, we can keep it forever.

Lee Yuen Chit, Kelvin












六日五夜台灣單車遊學團,給予 我一個十分深刻難忘的體驗。這 次遊學團由高雄往墾丁,途經東 港,我們騎著單車,一行廿二 人,一條心騎往目的地。 在兩日的路程,我們一共踏了一 百八十多公里,經過鬧市,踏進 郊區,上過大橋與斜坡。兩天之 旅使我難忘,除了風景優美和疲 累身體外,難忘的是在於體會,我體會到眾人同心向目標前往,互相扶持,體 會到意志力給予人的力量。兩天辛苦的旅程,使我身心有了不少得著。 餘下三天,分別與當地學生交流及去往台南地標。 在國立高雄大學內,與台灣同學們的對話,使我了解兩地學生在學習和生活上 的差異。在海生館內,體會到台灣對自然生態教育的重視。對比香港,香港側 重學習知識而未能兼顧傳授保育知識,當真有點自愧不如。 六日的台灣單車團已經過去,但體會到的則一生受用。

Chau Hei Yin, Hugo








Taiwan cycling trip improved myself such as I broaden my horizons, made friend with different university students. Making friends with different nation’s people is most important part as I want to be a businessman. It expanded my friendship connection to different place, but not limit in Hong Kong. In the future, I can get some business information through the Taiwan friends. Therefore, the connection can be built up in this exchange trip. Riding the bicycle relaxed my heart as I have much pressure in the exam period as it is very different for me to dealing with the core subject. Through to the riding, I understand myself such as the reason of low GPA and my future job. In the process of relaxing, I gained my answer and thought how to achieve my aims. So, the trip made me to understand my ability, pros and cons. I suggest that the trip can increase the quota for students to join as it can reduce the study pressure and understand themselves in Taiwan.

Liu Chi Shing, Alex












在台灣二百里的崎嶇路上,是我們的汗 水和歡笑。在兩岸的晚里高空上,是我 們的五味和青春。在這幾天的台灣之 旅,我經歷過我未經歷過的,我做過我 未做過的,我陪伴過我未陪伴過的。我 在當中學到的不是我在課堂上學到,這 些亦會影響我的一生。 今次旅程是我的一大挑戰,因為我要在一個我未熟悉的地方去騎自行車。台灣 的風景很美,路上是伴隨著芒果的薰芳,不時亦夾雜著汽車的引擎聲和老師的 鼓勵聲。我們的身心都在炎熱的漫長路得到考驗和成長。特別我作為領頭人要 多方兼顧,我還記得 Julian 的一句話:This trip is all about flexibility and acceptability. 我在做得不足時都會想起這句話。

我很幸運,因為我不是 ABAA 的學生,但我仍有機會參加這趟旅程。我很多謝 Julian 給予機會,很高興認識大家,很高興和大家一起過這次台灣之旅。這美好 的回憶會在我腦海之內永不磨滅。

Law Kwun Fung, Derick








It is my pleasure to be an organizer committee member of logistic team in Boot camp 5. In this trip, I am responsible for planning how to lead a group of people from one place to another place at particular time in particular place with other logistic team members. Not only can I learn a lot of soft skills, such as communication skill, organization skill, problem-solving skill and so on, which are utterly essential for my entire life, but also meet a lot of new friends from different program. More importantly, as a participant in Boot camp5, I have no choice but to stretch my physical ability to complete the whole trip by bicycle, about 200k from Kaohsiung to Kenting with all the teammates. As a matter of fact, we realize the importance of 10 training. During the training, each of the participants understand whether they are capable of completing the whole trip, about 200k , although we just only rode around 50k in each training . On one hand, training enhances our physical ability, on the other hand, it also strengthens our perseverance. Without the training, I dare to say we would not go through the trip successfully. Overall, this experience is extremely valuable and priceless for me, which makes me to be more mature. I do hope that CCCU keeps encouraging students to join this activity next year.

Jim Wing Tung, Jennifer











由一開始對單車一知半解到最 後成功完成了 210km 的單車之 行對我而言是一個十分難忘和 印象深刻的新體驗。說實在, 當初知道要兩天內完成 180km 心想這是一個不可能的任務, 我們平日練習時只是可以完成 50 至 60 公里,但誰知道最後 我們超額完成了一共 210 公里 的路程呢! 到了開始行程的第一天,我就知道已經再沒有任何退縮的餘地。我們踏單車的 狀態在某程度上是取決於當時的天氣和單車的效能。台灣悶熱的天氣很容易令 人中暑加上劇烈的運動更易身體感到不適。面對著天氣和路程我們只能用意志 力和團體精神去堅持,在上斜坡時大家會大喊加油互相支持,這種激勵的語句 使我令更有力量去完成。 最後,雖然身體帶著疲累,但和朋友們的友情和一起揮灑過汗水的時光是不會 忘記的。

Chow Tsz Yan, Yannes








It is the second time that I join Boot Camp 5. Although some stunning view or destination I had seen before, I may treat it with another perspective. In Kenting, I felt excited on the stunning view last year because it is the first time. However, I reflected myself under this beautiful sky. A journey is a good way for me to think about what I have done in these two years. I grabbed a lot of chance for me to grow such as organizing this study tour. Responsibility and communication are developed. After these two years, I know my track, which is not following the pre-setting platform. I should customize a best track for me to walk a long distance. The wide variety of Taiwanese food is worldfamous and continuous to astonish visitors to the island, including me. The incredible things being eaten there surprised me. In Taiwan, I never have to worry about where to eat as inexpensive restaurants exist everywhere. In general, eating in Taiwan is a wonderful experience. In the cycling challenge, we rode over 210km. It broke my record last year. Giving a new challenge, we overcome it one by one. I will become stronger and stronger. Without teamwork and my perseverance, I cannot achieve it. I think I cannot cycle for a long distance without a big group of friends. I will never forget this memorable trip throughout my life.

Tsui Ka Yan, Silvia











完成八天的台灣旅程,當 中最深刻的莫過於 210km 的單車創舉。在炎夏之中 踏單車由高雄到墾丁,每 一段路都佈滿單車的痕 跡,亦灑下我們青春的汗 水。雖然其中有一段上斜 坡的路讓我很想放棄,但 是身後的隊友不斷為我打 氣,給我堅持下去的動力,一心想着要跟同隊的二十一人一同到達終點。或許 有的人會認為旅行是要吃喝玩樂,可是這單車旅程正正是關鍵所在。一整隊人 一起訓練、規劃,以至到台灣來,都讓我們彼此的情誼變深,沒有艱苦的行 程,有的可能還是陌路人,同往旅遊但亦不了解對方。儘管在這個不熟悉的地 方,我們都互相包容遷就,互相照顧,為彼此的旅程寫下重要的一章。

Poon Tin Yau, Steven








It is a great chance for all of us to learn a lesson with various topics, leadership, teamwork and friendship etc. For me, as a chairperson of student representative committee of our programme, I have managed a lot of activities before. At that time, this cycling challenging is the most difficult activities I participate. The reason why I will feel hard to manage because the structure was not provided for us, even "Spirit of discovery" is also. What I am trying to say is that this is the most valuable I had joined before. As we are living in Hong Kong, a kind of developed City, a lot of things was provided to us, even food, drink. We just relying on the structure provided by the community. As we do not need to care about the things we should look at it. So this trip is a chance for us to know own-self more deeply, if we did not have technology, what will happen. This is the chance, may be the only chance, for us to know what we should take a look at the things we think this will happen then the things will happen. Cycling is not just relying on the machine, but mentally. Mentally controls all physical part of us. Mentally part is the most important part when we doing everything, for example, you must have an experience of running, did you feeling so tried then you give up, but actually you can go much more farer. When we get into a new platform, no matter going to university or society, Mental is also the part we should put effort on it. This trip seems to be a time for all of us to equip ourselves to be more competitive.


Choi Uen Yee, Catherine










機緣巧合的參加了這次的 Boot Camp 5。由一開始踩單 車只可以踩大約三十多公 里,而且當天晚上更是全身 肌肉酸痛。通過多次的訓 練,訓練氣量、上下波、技 巧,不論身體上和心理上也 有所成長。 到達台灣後,頭一天我們先 與高雄大學作交流和參觀校園以及為明天踩單車作準備。之後兩日之內,由高 雄到墾丁,墾丁到台灣最南點,我們總共踩了 186 公里,每天都是陽光普照, 温度接近三十多度, 説真的完全超乎我的意料之外,從來沒有想過自己可以成 功完成。雖然在途中有過很辛苦的時候,因為路不只是單單直的平的,中間有 很多上下波,特別是接近墾丁的那段路,當身體感覺很累時,要用意志力堅持 下去,大家更會互相鼓勵。再者我們是踩公路的, 在踩的過程中不但要顧及前 後的距離,留意前後的指示再作出適當的手勢,也要時刻注意旁邊的車路。 雖然過程很辛苦,但我認為得著很多,也獲得一次終身難忘的經驗。

Au Yeung Sum Tik, Sunday








Sincere friendship is always developed with happiness, tears, and challenges. Cycling in Taiwan was not as easy as I had imagined before. The hot weather and the dangerous of cycling in the highway were all unexpected challenges to me. However, the most wonderful moment is the time when you came cross unexpected challenges and outcome in an unpleasant situation. Apart from cycling, the culture in Taiwan is also awesome. People in Taiwan are very nice and helpful. The food and the night market are different from Hong Kong. Also, I started to realize the importance of steeping out my own platform, road and career. Finally, I would sincerely thank you to all the organizers, who were also the leaders in this trip. Without the contribution from all of you, the trip may not be run smoothly and safely.

Chan Sau Man, Kimmi










非常開心能夠參加這個 Boot Camp 5。挑戰我從來未曾嘗試 過以及難忘的台灣之旅,雖然 喜歡踩單車 可從來沒有試過踩 超過 50km 以上,這次是一個非 常難得的機會。 在途中雖然很辛苦,在烈日之 下汗流浹背,在踩的途中有很多斜坡,每次踩上去都需要格外用力以及腳要轉 動得很快,有時候前面的人不夠快,上斜也會變得艱難,但一聲又一聲的加油 讓我明白這是團隊,要互勉。有很多時候手會覺得很酸痛,以及會很累,有時 候更是睡得很少好像不夠精神,但心想著要完成路程就會有一種動力。每天完 成路程後總有一種滿足感,對於本來夏天並不喜歡外出的我,完成挑戰更是喜 悅。 除了享受踩單車之外,看見師兄師姐和老師一起解決問題,明白組織一個旅行 團並不容易,這好像給我上了一堂訓練班,我們若要在下一年舉辦活動和類似 的旅行團,這一個旅程一定幫助我不少。

Lee Ngai Sze, Vanessa







這 8 天台灣交流團中,我們 感受了甜酸苦辣。出發前的 訓練讓我們淺嘗了完成 180km 的難度. 首先這個交流團訓練了我們 的毅力 在 烈日當空下完成 180km 期間曾有過很多放棄 的念頭,每當想放棄的時 候,團隊的精神令我們堅持下去。最終我們沒有人要求過停下休息, 咬緊牙關 渡過太陽的考驗。 過程中,各位隊員互相合作且並肩奉獻的精神,例如用說話 鼓勵一些體力較差的隊員去克服一個又一個的山坡、又有些人為了顧全大局而 選擇包容和接納其他人的失誤, 而沒有把自己的情緒發洩在別人身上。此外, 在經歷每一個行程的時候總會發生很多小插曲以及意外 這訓練了我們的靈活性 和適應能力以及團體的合作能力。


Tong Ka Keung, Louis








This is a nice trip for me to broaden my horizon. It was the second time for me to be Taiwan but I explored different experience. Never give up is the motto of this wonderful trip. I did not know cycling before, but I finished 210km cycling trip through my perseverance. Life without a goal is like sailing on the sea without a destination. Not knowing where to go, I can only linger at the crossroad of life. I can now know my goal clearly in my life, which is being an accountant. I start to plan how can be an accountant and set short-term goal to be implemented. It was a trip for both year 1 and year 2 students. I feel the tough and power of them. It is not only a graduate trip for them, but also a trip in which transfer knowledge from year2 students to year1 students. I grid the opportunities to let seniorities pass the baton to me and absorb their experience. Taiwan is a good place for sightseeing and Tamsui is one of the places I impressed most. Lover's Bridge, Bali, and Tamsui Old Street are well known and scenic. I love the iron eggs there and enjoy the enthusiasm of local residents. They are helpful and keen on helping tourists like us. I appreciate their goodness, which is hard to be found in Hong Kong. I will not forget this cycling trip and it would be a nice memory within my heart.

Cheung KaHing, Jimmy








旅程就這樣結束了。 還記得我第一天,懷着複雜的心 情開始這個旅程,我們都知道, 這將會是我們這課程的最後一 課。也意味着,當旅程結束時, 也是分道揚鑣的時候。 之前為了準備這旅程,我們都要 有足夠訓練,確保能夠應付一百五十多公里的距離。由當初略懂的,到現在還 可以的騎車技術,我看到了自己的進步。 記得旅程第二日 96 公里的旅程中途,我們到了品味軒休息站小休。那是我第一 次看到清澈見底的海灘。我們買了一杯芒果沙冰,感受當地人的熱情,用心去 感受這個清爽、快活的台灣。 在旅程,並不是所有都是美好,我們都有失預算的時候。有很多事我們都準備 不夠周全,到發生時已經無可挽救,令過程有點遜色,但最後 我們都能夠完成 了 186 公里的沿島遊,站在台南“最南點”的那一刻的成就感,是永世難忘 的。 在最後回程時,我們也經過了品味軒這海灘休息站。那時候,我們的老師跟我 訓導,而我看著外面的海灘,也變混濁了。氣氛亦跟著沉重了。 同是那個地點,但美景已不再。原來,我們已經要走上另一個旅程了。原來, 有些事回頭再看,都不如第一次的美好。原來,我們一直都錯過了很多。 當回到香港時,我為自己訂下很多目標,尋找自己的不善,努力去改之。努力 去讓自己認清方向,不想再有甚麼遺憾。

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