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National Museum of Marine Biology & Aquarium

There are mainly 3 exhibitions from National Museum, including Waters of Taiwan, Coral Kingdom Pavilion, and Waters of the World. In Waters of Taiwan, it shows various Taiwan’s marine creatures. It was impressive that the whale was playing a small hula hoop in front of us, which made us perceive that it was interacting with us and we felt closer with the undersea society. It was definitely cute!

In the Coral Kingdom Pavilion, the numerous coral reef tanks are displayed to show us the cozy home of various marine animals. The coral reefs provide a shelter for underwater organisms. Meanwhile, the marine creatures can protect the coral reefs from natural enemies. How amazing of this complementary relationship! Just like we mutually supported each other in the Taiwan cycling journey when we were in need.

In the light of Waters of the World, the tanks display a part of undersea environment, comprising the marine mammals, living fossil that commonly appear in the world. We could examine different species of fish that grow at different depths and notice the interactions of them.

All in all, even though we just observed in front of a lot of tanks, we felt that we got closer to the marine animals and they become our friends that deserve our reservation and protection!

在台灣水族館入口處,有一條人造瀑布,旁邊有一 條吊下來的鯨魚模型,而 Julian 則躺在地上幫我們 拍攝下跳躍的身影。但過程中有不少「不速之客」 在穿梭,阻礙我們拍照。之後,我們輪流負責控制 人流,好讓能拍下一張張在跳躍的照片。 

Day 5

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